C++ gurus and learners, we program ourselves :P all work is CC licensed

Tuesday, October 28

Merge Sort MultiThreading in C#; multithreaded

13:03 By

        int[] MergeSort(int[] input, int start, int end)
            if (end - start < 2)
                int[] result = new int[1];
                result[0] = input[start];
                return (result);

            Task<int[]> Tleft = Task<int[]>.Factory.StartNew(() => { return MergeSort(input, start, (start + end) / 2); });

            Task<int[]> Tright = Task<int[]>.Factory.StartNew(() => { return MergeSort(input, (start + end) / 2, end); });

            //Task<int[]>.WaitAll(new Task<int[]>[]{Tleft,Tright});

            int[] left = Tleft.Result;

            int[] right = Tright.Result;
            int[] Result = Task<int[]>.Factory.StartNew(() => { return Merge(left, right); }).Result;


            return Result;

        int[] Merge(int[] left, int[] right)
            int leftSize = left.Length, rightSize = right.Length;
            int[] result = new int[leftSize + rightSize];
            int leftIndex = 0, rightIndex = 0, resultIndex = 0;

            while (rightIndex < rightSize && leftIndex < leftSize)
                result[resultIndex++] = left[leftIndex] < right[rightIndex] ? left[leftIndex++] : right[rightIndex++];
            while (rightIndex < rightSize)
                result[resultIndex++] = right[rightIndex++];
            while (leftIndex < leftSize)
                result[resultIndex++] = left[leftIndex++];
            return result;

Monday, October 27

Merge Sort

13:11 By

Please find the source code for merge sort algorithm. I have made this implementation on my own after taking this class https://class.coursera.org/algo-006/lecture/2

I will appreciate any comment that you have.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int* Merge(int*, int*, const int, const int);

int* MergeSort(int* input, int start, int end, int& resultSize)
 if (end - start < 2)
  int * result = new int[1];
  result[0] = input[start];
  resultSize = 1;
  return (result);

 int leftSize = 0, rightSize = 0;

 int *left = MergeSort(input, start, (start + end) / 2, leftSize);
 int *right = MergeSort(input, (start + end) / 2, end, rightSize);

 int* result = Merge(left, right, leftSize, rightSize);
 resultSize = leftSize + rightSize;
 delete[] left;
 delete[] right;
 left = right = NULL; //to avoid dangling pointer
 return result;

int* Merge(int* left, int* right, const int leftSize, const int rightSize)
 int resultSize = leftSize + rightSize;
 int * result = new int[resultSize];
 int leftIndex = 0, rightIndex = 0, resultIndex = 0;

 while (rightIndex<rightSize && leftIndex<leftSize)
  result[resultIndex++] = left[leftIndex] < right[rightIndex] ? left[leftIndex++] : right[rightIndex++];
 while (rightIndex < rightSize)
  result[resultIndex++] = right[rightIndex++];
 while (leftIndex < leftSize)
  result[resultIndex++] = left[leftIndex++];
 return result;

void main()
 int* input = new int[20]{5, 34, 5, 6, 4, 56, 4, 3, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3, 5, 6, 87, 54, 3, 5, 76};

 int resultSize = 0;

 int* result = MergeSort(input, 0, 20, resultSize);
 for (size_t i = 0; i < resultSize; i++)
  cout << endl << result[i];
 delete[] input;

 delete[] result;


Sunday, October 26

Relaunching with a course on Design and Analysis of Algorithms from Stanford via Coursera

21:22 By

I will be relaunching this blog in sync with my quarter goal. I am working as an Assoc Software Engineer with Bentley Systems, which is a leading company in AEC infrastructure support. I love being there with all the people. As a part of my career growth i have participated in a MOOC course on Algorithms from Stanford via coursera. I plan to share two posts per week on what i have learned from that course.

Have a great weekend and keep following ;)

PS. Please find the link to this course --> https://www.coursera.org/course/algo 
