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Friday, November 8

Macros In C++ By Umair Sajid

Macros In C++ By Umair Sajid

Macros : are pre-processor directives Just As



but In Above Directive Directs The Compiler to include followings library functions . However We Are Concern with the Macros.

Syntax:               #define ADD x+y

  Actually They Can Be think As Same As Functions But Just Defined Before Main and with A little difference of Syntax and working. In a Nutshell  You can Call Macros as Functions Using As A Variable

Use: Macros In C++ Is Usually Used Where We Required Fast Execution. However The Same Work Can be Done By Using Functions But The Function can pass arguments and require a return_type of the Integers or Result Return.

Lets Come To A Simple Program That prompt the user to enter a number and prints its cube and square using macros.

#define SQUARE num*num      // MACROS
#define CUBE num*num*num    // MACROS
using namespace std;
int main()
    int num;
    cout<<"\n\t\tEnter A Number : "; // prompt to enter a number
    cin>>num;               // store it in num

    cout<<"\n\t\tThe Square of "<<num<<" is : "<<SQUARE<<"\n";   // Just as function call we have used
    cout<<"\n\t\tThe Cube of "<<num<<" is :"<<CUBE;                     // macros
    cout<<"\n\t\t***THANKYOU PC Umair Sajid ****\n\n";


  1. Macros is not the only best choice you can use functions too

  2. None of Your Concern Dear . . .

  3. macros were available in c/c++ and functions provide much much more flexibility with security, macros can be called by anyone usually

  4. why use macros if we can have functions

  5. the heading is written twice, though the blog is engaging

  6. are macros performance improvement as well?

  7. very good explanation but what is this PC?

  8. Sir Umarir news posts ko aanay diya jaye :P
