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Thursday, January 30

Career Choices

11:58 By

I am often asked for help about career choices from aspiring entrepreneurs, professionals or students. I try my best to share my insights on career choices but the following advice that I received from Mr. Richard Branson, sums it all up for everyone who is either at career cross roads or wants to make a shift in his/her career:

"While you are facing choices about your path to a career, and in all the choices that follow, focus on your own goals and try not to be distracted by those of others. Consider the needs of your community and how you might best contribute. What is your vision for change? Start working towards that. In business, as in life, what matters is that you do something POSITIVE."


  1. find your hobby and then you have to find a way of getting paid for it. You will never have to work again


hi my name is umar