C++ gurus and learners, we program ourselves :P all work is CC licensed

Saturday, November 16

Ascii Art with C++

While posts on shaskaas are going on let me share another tweak with you. As a trademark thingy you can insert your name with ascii art in beginning of your program and this will always impress your teachers. I used star wars theme always for my assignments and you can bet the marks i got :P

We use figglet for generating asscii art Figglet Fonts

Then i would just cout this text

_    __  .___  ___.      ___      .______      
|  |  |  | |   \/   |     /   \     |   _  \     
|  |  |  | |  \  /  |    /  ^  \    |  |_)  |    
|  |  |  | |  |\/|  |   /  /_\  \   |      /     
|  `--'  | |  |  |  |  /  _____  \  |  |\  \----.
 \______/  |__|  |__| /__/     \__\ | _| `._____|
Happy Coding :P


hi my name is umar