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Friday, November 22

gotoxy() function in c++ by Umair Sajid

21:49 By

gotoxy() function :

The gotoxy function is used to to move the cursor to a specified location on the screen. Its Just Something Other then just Sequential Execution .It moves the cursor with respect to x axis and y axis. It is very useful when the output is to be displayed at a specified location on the screen.


The Variable x indicates x-axis. Its Value can be from 0 to 79. The Variable y indicates the y-axis. Its Value can be from 0 to 24.


#include               // Header Files 
#include               // for getch() function 
#include             // Necessary when treating consoles  
using namespace std;
void gotoxy (int x, int y)
         COORD coordinates;     // coordinates is declared as COORD
         coordinates.X = x;     // defining x-axis
         coordinates.Y = y;     //defining  y-axis
int main()              
    int x;
    int y; 
    cout<<"Enter x: ";
    cout<<"Enter y: ";
    gotoxy(x,y);     // function call 
    cout<<"C++ Clan Umair Sajid"<<endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

hi my name is umar