C++ gurus and learners, we program ourselves :P all work is CC licensed

Monday, November 18

Play Sound in Your CPP Program

Till now, all of us have coded C++ programs on the black & white console, some know how to color the text on string.
Lets go a step ahead and introduce sound being played as your program runs.

Interesting, Right?
         Yes, you'll have a new effect to add in your code :-)

How to Do?
         The amazing sound feature consists of just two lines,
1. The PlaySound function call.
2. The header file that contains this function.

 #include <string.h>
 #include <windows.h>
 using namespace std;
 int main()
 // PlaySound method is defined in windows.h
 // file_name is the name of your sound file in .wav format
 return 0;

 Your .wav file should be in the same location as that of ur .cpp file.


For details and possible values of parameters in PlaySound function visit the link below
Include sound in your programs and have FUN
Stay Blessed :-)


hi my name is umar